LLWB, in partnership with the International Labor Organization, finalized the implementation of the Gender Diagnostic in the three pilot private sector companies in October 2018. Companies included:
- Libanpost
- Khalil Fattal et Fils
- Technica International
The companies engaged in a four-stage process for better understanding their policies and procedures as they relate to gender equality:
- Phase I: the dissemination of a company-wide survey assessing employees’ perceptions of the extent to which their companies address gender equality in their policies and practices.
- Phase II: Desk Review of existing figures, policies and procedures from a gender lens.
- Phase III: In-depth interviews with key identified employees.
- Phase IV: Validation Workshops.
With the facilitation of ILO Gender Consultant, Ms. Susan Maybud, the three companies brainstormed action plans and KPIs for integrating gender equality into their current policies and practices taking into consideration identified gaps.